Real Time Computing

Computing the positions of an object in real time presents many challenges, since there are many sources of delays that needs to be accounted for: receiving data, making calculation, etc. For this project we needed to use 3 different methods of calculating an integral. One would provide an over-estimation, an other an under-estimation, and the 3rd one somewhere in the middle. On top of those, I've created a 4th method that would intentionally be wrong.

Since the 3rd method provides the most accurate result, all the other methods corrects themselves with its value, if and only if all 3 accurate methods are within a 0.005m margin. If we are over that margin we use the solution computed by the over-estimation method.

The reason for the correction is to save time and to avoid the gap between the over-estimation and under-estimation to widen over time. We save time because we shorten the integral that needs to be calculated by using the Sum Rule: the limit of a sum equals the sum of the limits.

NB: To make the project more challenging and fun for myself I created a Server – Client relationship. Please contact me if you would like a copy of the full code.


/*Chiasson-St-Coeur Simon
 * serveur.cpp

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "integrale.h"

#define PORT_NUM 1670
#define MAX_LISTEN 5

using namespace std;

//Variables Globales
char			out_buf[100];
char 			in_buf[100];
unsigned int 		server_s = 0;
pthread_t 		threads[10];
struct sockaddr_in 	server_addr;
unsigned int 		client_s;
struct sockaddr_in 	client_addr;
struct in_addr 		client_ip_addr;
unsigned int 		addr_len;
int 			*ptr[10];

//Signature des fonctions
void *fonc(void *);

class Prog
//La classe abstraite que les 4 programmes vont suivre.
	float table_Val[50];
	short curr;

	Prog() {curr = 0;};

	void set_Resultat(float valeur)
	//L'integrale d'une somme est la somme des integrales, nous utilisons les anciens
	//resultats pour calculer le resultat courant.
		if(curr != 0)

			table_Val[curr++] = table_Val[curr-1] + valeur;
			table_Val[curr++] = valeur;

	void corr_Resultat(float valeur)
		//Si une correction doit avoir lieu, cette fonction est apelle
		if(curr != 0)
			table_Val[curr-1] = valeur;
			table_Val[curr] = valeur;

	int get_curr()
		return curr;

	void inc_curseur()

	float get_Val()
		//get_Val() par default, puisque le curseur est incremente lorsqu'on ajoute un resultat, get_Val()
		//donne valeur de la case precedente.
		return table_Val[curr-1];

	float get_Val(int pos)
		return table_Val[pos];	

class Prog1: public Prog
//Le 1er programme fait une sous-estimation en utilisant les sommes de Reimann
	Prog1() {};

	float sous_estimation(int debut, int fin, Graphe &graphe)
		float resultat = 0;
		for(int i = debut; i < fin; i++)
			resultat = resultat + (graphe.get_Point(i, 1) * 0.1);
		return get_Val();

class Prog2 : public Prog
//Le 2ieme programme fait une sur-estimation en utilisant les sommes de Reimann
	Prog2() {};

	float sur_estimation(int debut,int fin, Graphe &graphe)
		float resultat = 0;
		for(int i = debut + 1; i <= fin; i++)
			resultat = resultat + (graphe.get_Point(i, 1) * 0.1);
		return get_Val();

class Prog3 : public Prog
//Le 3ieme programme fait une estimation en utilisant la methode de trapeze
	Prog3() {};

	float trapeze(int min, int max, Graphe &graphe)
		float resultat = graphe.get_Point(min, 1) + graphe.get_Point(max, 1);
		float delta = (((max-min)*0.1)/(max-min))/2;

		for(int i = min + 1; i < max; i++)
			resultat = resultat + 2*(graphe.get_Point(i, 1));


		return get_Val();

class ProgErr : public Prog
//Programme avec une erreur, on ajoute 0,03m au resultat.

	float trapezeErr(int min, int max, Graphe &graphe)
		float resultat = graphe.get_Point(min, 1) + graphe.get_Point(max, 1);
		float delta = (((max-min)*0.1)/(max-min))/2;

		for(int i = min + 1; i < max; i++)
			resultat = resultat + 2*(graphe.get_Point(i, 1));


		return get_Val();

	void affiche_vals()
	{	cout << "Valeurs enregistre de ProgErr:\n";
		for(int i = 0; i < get_curr(); i++)
			cout << get_Val(i) << endl;


int main()

server_s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
server_addr.sin_port = htons(PORT_NUM);
server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);

bind(server_s, (struct sockaddr *)&server_addr, sizeof(server_addr));

listen(server_s, MAX_LISTEN);

while (1) {

	addr_len = sizeof(client_addr);
	client_s = accept(server_s, (struct sockaddr *)&client_addr, &addr_len);
	pthread_create(&threads[client_s-4], NULL, fonc ,&client_s);


pthread_join(threads[client_s-4],(void **)&(ptr[client_s-4]));


return 0;


void *fonc(void *arg)
	int 	socketClient = * (int *) arg;
	float	valeur;
	int	i = 0;

	Graphe integrale;
	Prog1 prog1;
	Prog2 prog2;
	Prog3 prog3;
	ProgErr prog3_err;


	//On envoie au serveur abcde pour confirmer que la connection est bien etablie
	//et que nous sommes prets a recevoir les donnees
	strcpy(out_buf, "abcde");
	cout << out_buf <<endl;
	send(socketClient, out_buf, (strlen(out_buf)+1), 0);

	recv(socketClient, in_buf, sizeof(in_buf), 0);
	cout << in_buf << endl;
	while(in_buf[0] != 'f')
		valeur = float(atof(in_buf));
		integrale.place_Point(i++, 1, valeur);
               //Envoi au client qu'on a recu et enregistre la valeur, alors on est pret pour recevoir la prochaine
               strcpy(out_buf, "go");
		send(socketClient, out_buf, (strlen(out_buf)+1), 0);
		recv(socketClient, in_buf, sizeof(in_buf), 0);


	for(int j = 10; j < 150; j += 10)
		prog1.sous_estimation(j-10, j, integrale);
		prog2.sur_estimation(j-10, j, integrale);
		prog3.trapeze(j-10, j, integrale);
		prog3_err.trapezeErr(j-10, j, integrale);

	cout << "Iteration " << j/10 << endl << "Valeur de la sous-estimation: " << prog1.get_Val() <<
	"\nValeur de la sur-estimation: " << prog2.get_Val() <<
	"\nValeur de la methode trapeze: " << prog3.get_Val() << endl;
	cout << endl;

	//Corrections des valeurs s'il y a lieu, la marge est de 0.5cm.
	//Si toutes les resultats sont dans cette marge, alors prog1 et prog2 corriges leurs
	//valeurs avec celle obtenue par prog3, c-a-d, selon la methode trapeze
	if(abs(prog1.get_Val() - prog3.get_Val()) > 0.005){
	if(abs(prog1.get_Val() - prog3_err.get_Val()) > 0.005){
	//Sleep pour simuler un deplacement par seconde.

	return NULL;